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PF Balance – How to Check on Phone

Days are gone when checking EPF balance used to be a tough task to accomplish. Now with the advent of latest technology especially smartphones and apps, it has become quite easy to check EPF account balance on phone. Yes, you can easily check your current EPF amount using a phone. Do you want to learn how to check PF balance on phone? If yes, then you should understand that there are basically three methods available to check EPF amount balance on phone such as –

  1. Mobile app

  2. SMS

  3. Missed Call

How to Check PF Balance through Mobile App

EPFO India recently introduced a mobile application for checking PF amount balance. There is no doubt that Government of India is encouraging cashless payment methods, therefore, importance of mobile payment apps can’t be ignored. The same technology is also available for checking EPF account balance on mobile phone. Whether it is about checking balance statement or enjoying the benefits of having a passbook, mobile app is always a right choice to go with. If you want to download EPF balance check app for mobile phone, you need to visit at the official website of EPFO India. Here, you can download the app manually. If you have an android OS device, you can easily download EPFO app for EPF balance check on smartphone.

How to Download EPFO App Online

  • Visit at the official website of EPFO India.

  • Look for the app link.

  • Click on the link to save it in a desired folder in your device.

  • You may also open it to provide your own name as well as account number to thoroughly track your EPF status.

Procedure to Check PF Account Balance Using a Mobile App

  • First, you need to click on the app on your smartphone.

  • Here, you need to choose Member option.

  • Click on PASSBOOK or BALANCE option.

  • Enter your 12 digit UAN.

  • Provide your registered cell number.

  • Automatic system will verify your UAN and mobile number combination.

  • When you enter correct UAN and mobile number, you can see your current EPF account balance on your mobile screen.

  • Apart from pf amount balance, you may also check additional information of you such as your Aadhar number, date of birth, previous month EPF contribution, tax deduction, and your full name.

  • If you want to go through your last seven months EPF statement, you need to click on VIEW PASSBOOK. You can easily see the complete information about last seven months pf statements.

How to Check PF Balance by Sending SMS

If you don’t have a smartphone to download EPF app for checking PF current balance, you may go with SMS option. Yes, you can easily check your EPF account balance by sending SMS. The best part of checking your EPF statement through SMS service is that you can get your PF amount balance details in your own regional language. Apart from Hindi and English, there are other eight regional languages that can be used. This service is the best option when you find network issues. Let’s check out the process of checking your EPF account statement through SMS.

  • First, you need to type a message i.e. EPFOHO UAN ENG

  • Here, one point should be noted that you may also choose your own language. In the above mentioned sample, we have chosen English language.

  • Once you compose the message, you need to send it to 7738 299 899.

  • Having successfully sent the SMS, you will receive an SMS containing details about your current EPF balance.

How to Know PF Balance through Missed Call

EPFO India has launched a specific number to help employees knowing their EPF account balance. The best part of this missed call service for checking EPF amount balance is that you don’t need to pay for the same. Since you need to give a missed call, you don’t need to worry of mobile balance deduction. Let’s check out stated below procedure of checking PF account balance by giving a missed call.

  • You first need to save this number to your mobile phone i.e. 011 22 901 406.

  • Call at the above mentioned number.

  • When you hear ringing, you need to disconnect the call.

  • Within a few seconds, you will receive an SMS containing details of your existing EPF account balance.

  • You will also find other details such as your name, PF number, date of birth, previous contribution, and yes EPF amount.

What Are the Requirements to Know EPF Account Balance?

There could be different requirements for using different methods to check PF balance. Thus, you need to check out a few usual requirements of checking EPF account balance on phone.

  • You must have a UAN number.

  • Your UAN must be active.

  • You also need to provide a mobile number to official UAN website.

  • If you don’t have provided the correct number, you first need to change it.

  • You always need to call from your registered mobile number that you have provided at official UAN portal.

  • Bank account number, Aadhaar number, PAN should be seeded with your UAN.

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