When you apply for a HDFC credit card, the bank will begin handling it when it gets it. You ought to in a perfect world get an affirmation SMS from the bank recognizing your HDFC credit card application with reference number and application number. In the event that you meet the qualification criteria set by the bank, your card gets affirmed and you will get a SMS once it gets dispatched. The SMS will likewise have the AirWay charge number of the shipment conveying your card. The whole procedure beginning from presenting another credit card application to accepting your HDFC credit card may take a decent measure of time which normally changes starting with one individual then onto the next. In the event that it is requiring more investment than anticipated you can track status of your hdfc credit card application utilizing both on the web and disconnected strategies. The most effective method to Check HDFC Credit Card Application Status Online One of the most s...
This blog has been designed to inform about new credit cards in India. By visiting this blog, you will get information regarding various banks' credit cards.